GrowFL is driven by one goal – to cultivate scalable second-stage growth companies across the state. Second-stage companies are the backbone of Florida’s economy and the definition of economic growth and prosperity. GrowFL, through our nationally certified team of experts, provides proven methods to help overcome unique challenges facing second-stage companies as they grow. As the only statewide organization focused exclusively on second-stage and emerging second-stage growth companies, GrowFL’s philosophy is to identify, serve and celebrate these companies that have the best potential to contribute to Florida’s economy. Second-stage companies are identified as somewhere in between a startup and a large firm and have one basic commonality – they are poised for growth. Focusing our efforts on these companies means strengthening the economy of the region and supporting the entrepreneurs who live among us.
from public
and private sources
Total impact
on state and Local Taxes
for every $1
invested in the
GrowFL Programs
Total Impact
on Regional Sales
Total Impact
on Regional GDP
Jobs Created by
GrowFL Assisted
Jobs Created by
GrowFL Assisted
Oftentimes I have wished for a ‘How to’ manual on how to run my company. As leaders we must be constantly learning and adapting to current market conditions. GrowFL provides me unparalleled access to fellow leaders and the ability to see company management and leadership through another’s perspective. It is the best thing I have found to continuously improve and learn from my peers.
The GrowFL CEO Roundtable program helped to educate us tools such as market strategy and business planning to bring us up to date. From there, I worked with market research through GrowFL’s Strategic Research program to understand the marketplace. We looked at industries that are applicable to my technology and their growth rates. GrowFL helped me build a business plan, conduct competitive analysis and secure target customer lists. Now we have diversified into different markets and that’s a big investment for us. Our participation in the GrowFL program has increased sales by 10-20%.
The insights that GrowFL and FloridaMakes has provided through the System for Integrated Growth and CEO Roundtables, and the work they’ve done to help our team, has made this venture successful. We’re adding more jobs and expanding the reach of the service division as we continue to work with GrowFL. It’s a difference of night and day. If we didn’t have GrowFL working alongside us, we wouldn’t be in nearly the good position we are right now. It would have taken a lot longer to figure out the pieces of this puzzle.
Building Success Together
Our programs provide connections with other second-stage company leaders, resources, and organizations whose expertise, experience, and products lead to the second-stage company’s continued growth and prosperity.