IRS: Coronavirus Tax Relief
The IRS has established a special section focused on steps to help taxpayers, businesses and others affected by the coronavirus. This page will be updated as new information is available. For other information about the COVID-19 virus, people should visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ( for health information. Other information about actions being taken by the U.S. government is available at and in Spanish at The Department [...]
Short Time Compensation Program for Employers The Short Time Compensation program helps employers retain their workforce in times of temporary slowdown by encouraging work sharing as an alternative to layoff. The program permits prorated reemployment assistance benefits to employees whose work hours and earnings are reduced as part of a Short Time Compensation plan to avoid total layoff of some employees. How to Apply To apply for the Short Time Compensation Program, please follow this [...]
COVID-19 Articles and Resources
This page offers various links to articles, resources and helpful tips to help navigate COVID-19 challanges. Coronavirus Update: Industry Fast Facts - IBISWorldLink to ArticleEnterprise Florida Suspends Initial Fees Through its Microfinance Guarantee Program to Support Florida Small Business CommunityLink to ArticleGovernor Ron DeSantis official website, has all press releases Link to ArticleLeading During Challening Times Link to Article5 Things I Did Today to Help my Business Survive the COVID-19Link [...]
Supply Chain Disruption Planning
Advanced preparation and business continuity planning will mitigate risks and help a business continue operating despite a crisis. As the COVID-19 health crisis impacts global supply chains, GrowFL as part of the FloridaMakes Network is stressing the importance of having a plan in place prior to disruptions to your supply chain. The following checklist can help your company react to and prepare for disruptions. Download the checklist: GrowFL and FloridaMakes [...]
Prevent Workplace Exposure
PREVENT WORKPLACE EXPOSURE CDC resources for Businesses and Employers and interim recommendations on environmental cleaning and disinfectionOSHA has developed interim guidance procedures Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and you - CDC COVID-19 Fact Sheet
Disaster Planning Toolkit
A disaster of any size could have an impact on your business. Taking the steps to build a business disaster continuity plan and encourage your employees to create a family emergency plan can reduce the impact on your business. It is important to consider how a disaster could affect your employees, customers and workplace. How would you manage your business if access to the workplace is limited by roads closures, streets are impassable, or [...]
Business Damage Assessment Survey
The Business Damage Assessment Survey is open to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida’s local business operations. The survey, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), will evaluate businesses affected by COVID-19 and the impacts the virus has on the local economy. We encourage our local business community to please participate in Business Damage Assessment Survey so that impacts can be monitored for additional programs and resources. The survey can be taken [...]
COVID-19 Resources by County
State Resources Florida Department of Health - COVID-19 Call Center - For any other questions related to COVID-19 in Florida, please contact the state’s dedicated COVID-19 Call Center by calling (866) 779-6121. The Call Center is available 24 hours per day. Inquiries may also be emailed to [email protected]. Florida ChamberFlorida Economic Development CouncilFloridaMakes - Manufacturing Extension PartnershipFlorida Venture Forum - Resources by County Baker CountyBrevard County - Economic [...]
Resources from GrowFL Experts
GrowFL is dedicated to providing you integral information on how to navigate COVID-19. Our corporate partners, spanning statewide and across all industries, are equipped and ready to support you along the way. See what they're saying on various topics and schedule a time to chat with an expert. Human Resources Coronavirus HR Dos and Don'ts - Newland Associates Managing Employee RIF Expectations Under the Corona Virus (COVID-19) - Newland Associates [...]