Since 1909, Bell Performance has been committed to finding new and innovative solutions to treat the problems that fuels exhibit, which include removing unwanted water, adding lubricity, or increasing power. Based in Seminole County, their mission is to provide outstanding products, superior service, and global opportunities which benefit their employees, their customers, and the world.

Glenn Williams began working at Bell Performance where their missions of positive impacting the world around them, aligned.

“I wanted to go someplace where I could make a difference, and Disney was just too big for that. Bell said they would get me working at a position where I could make a difference. I started in the warehouse and didn’t know what difference I could make there. I came home every day dirty and exhausted, but I learned what goes into the production of our products. It’s very easy for salespeople to take for granted that when they sell something it’s just going to be available,” he said. 

As his career unfolded, Williams worked his way up the ladder from warehouse worker to now, being president of the company. Under his leadership, Bell Performance was planning to launch a new service division and Williams sought assistance from GrowFL to do so.  

“The insights and work to help our team provided by FloridaMakes and GrowFL through their Business Growth program helped make the venture successful,” Williams said.  

“We’re adding more jobs and expanding the reach of the service division as we continue to work with GrowFL. It’s a difference of night and day. If we didn’t have GrowFL working alongside us, we wouldn’t be in nearly the good position we are right now. It would have taken a lot longer to figure out the pieces of this puzzle.” 

To other entrepreneurs, Williams says to focus on solving your customer’s problem first. “Don’t get caught up in what you’re selling,” he said. “You have to get connected to your customers and learn their story. You can have the best product or service, but if you can’t connect with customers and win them over by attentively listening to them and providing value, then you’ll spin your wheels. It all starts with the customer or end user.” 

As the only statewide organization focused exclusively on second-stage companies, GrowFL’s programs and resources are designed to help Florida businesses capitalize on next level growth opportunities.  

To apply for GrowFL’s Business Growth Program, click here.